We are there for you, on-site and on the go.

Our Berlin headquarters are located in the center of the city, as they should be. In Berlin, driving from one side of the city to the other can take longer than a trip to Majorca. Every other route is a veritable voyage. This is why we are located at Tempelhofer Feld. From here, we can reach all of our customers as quickly as possible. But in fact, that is not really important. Fortunately, thanks to our regular service visits, urgent repairs are rarely required.

The great thing about Hamburg is the short distances. Compared to Berlin, the city is pleasantly compact. A central location is not necessary to reach our customers quickly. This is why we chose a location in the city limits, in Bönningstedt. Although we have the unpopular license plate from the district of Pinneberg, we still have a Hamburg area code.

Alvanta Berlin

Alvanta GmbH
Central Berlin
Gottlieb-Dunkel-Straße 50-52
12099 Berlin
Telefon +49 30 35051020

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Alvanta Hamburg

Alvanta GmbH
Location Bönningstedt
Goosmoortwiete 21 E
25474 Bönningstedt
Telefon +49 40 18180820

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You are interested in our services, but you are located far away? Give us a call anyway. We always find a way to reach our customers, even if they are still just potential customers. We do not hesitate to venture outside of Berlin and Hamburg.

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